Serving in Jesus’ Name took a road trip to Appalachia. God indeed shed His grace on this region when He raised its mountains and craved its rivers. As surely as the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands, these majestic mountains display the Lord’s workmanship. Nor did the Lord create this beauty to be unseen, for He inhabited it with His people, His crowning glory who He made in His own image, and it was our joy to travel there with a stuffed 15-foot U-Haul to take in this slice of God’s creation and share the love of God with its people.
Partnering with the Word of Deliverance Church in Bluefield, VA, which is near the Kentucky and West VA borders, we hosted a praise, caring, and sharing event for Appalachia’s beautiful people on September 22. Entitled “Clothing the Community,” we extended an open invitation for all to “Come, join us for praise in the park. Come, be fed and clothed with Words of Deliverance.”
The park, which is in the center of town, rang from noon to 4 PM with songs of worship. Over 500 peopled joined us to praise the Lord, enjoy lunch, and help themselves to the free Bibles, clothes, shoes, school supplies, stuffed animals, and toys. We had racks of coats and bins of hats, scarves, and gloves to warm these precious people this winter as the Word of God warms their hearts and souls.
As we serve in Jesus’ name, we delight in the Lord, for He is the desire of our hearts, our very great reward; oh, how we glory in knowing Him and in sharing Words of Life to all who will listen.
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