Slowed, but not stopped! Our work to extend the love of God to others continues. Our trust-worthy crew have nearly completed the construction at the Mirembre Primary School in Western Kenya, so it will be ready when the children return to school after the shutdown. The quality of their work is amazing, and surely this building will stand for many decades.
It gladdens our hearts to imagine this bright, new classroom bustling with exuberant 5-year olds. We are so grateful that out of the abundance the Lord has given to us (2 Corinthians 1:4), we are able to give these innocence little ones a welcoming place to start their school years. Our hearts’ desire is for the love of God to permeate this place and for the Scripture scrolled across its walls to sink into the children’s minds, hearts, and souls, drawing them to the Lord. We pray this tangible demonstration of the Lord’s provision for them will contribute to the firm foundation of faith each child will grow upon (1 Corinthians 3:11), so throughout their lives, they will walk in the light of Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 22:6) ![]() The nearly total shutdown in Kenya due to the pandemic is making survival difficult for millions of people across the country. In a recent speech about the financial impact of the virus, the Kenyan Minister of Health emphasized how much better people with some means to sustain themselves are doing. Therefore, since owning livestock has a significant impact on a household’s income, we have accelerated our tent-making initiative by buying a cow or some chickens for an additional ten single mothers. We selected the construction of a library on the grounds of the Lumino School for Disabled Children as our next project. Lack of funding for food forced the school to close its residential facility in recent years, so the children are brought to school each day from their homes with family members or guardians. Although, the library will not like the magnificent marble structures we have in the US, it will bless a people hungry for reading material. This simple brick building will be the only library within a 10-hour walk, and the thousands of educational, spiritual, and entertaining books we have shipped will be available to students and villagers.
We are grateful for the privilege of continuing the work the Lord has put before us to do and for each of you who support us in so many ways. Kathy Carlin, Executive Director |