Serving in Jesus’ Name is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donors can deduct contributions made to this ministry. We are an all-volunteer organization with no compensation going to our board members, officers or other volunteers.
With every project, Serving in Jesus’ Name holds fast to our mission of demonstrating the love of God by sharing the Good News of the Gospel. We delight in sending toys, games, books, clothes, shoes, and so many other wonderful things to Kenyan orphans and other impoverished people in the regions we serve. It warms our hearts to see the smile on the face of a parentless little girl snuggling with her first teddy bear or a little boy with his first ball. We are excited to think that the goats we purchase in Haiti are raising the living standard of schoolchildren and their families, but our greatest joy is in giving those the Lord puts in our path the Holy Scripture. While fresh goats’ milk nourishes a child’s body, helping him to grow strong, the Word of God leads him to the Living Water, so he will never thirst again.
Whether it be including a packet of Creole Scripture cards in the Health Bags sent to Haitian children or shipping personally-inscribed Bibles to orphans in Kenyan, we are committed to sending out the immutable, flawless, righteous message of God’s love written in the Bible. Our greatest joy is in leading people to the Light, Jesus Christ, and giving them The Living Word that it may dwell richly in their hearts, teaching, training, transforming, convicting, and restoring them.
We are ever thankful to the Lord for His provision, always giving Him the glory for we know without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). We praise Him for the dozens of friends, neighbors, and family members who contribute the items we send. We do not take lightly the blessing of His putting this ministry on the hearts of others to help in so many ways, as they adhere stickers to books, post the need for items on social media, assemble Scripture card packets, take photographs, help pack, and provide financial support. We are grateful and in awe as we say, “But who am I, Lord, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You.” (1 Chronicles 29:14)
Contact Us: P.O. Box 5701, Glen Allen VA 23058 | 804-360-2354 |