November 2024
Dear Friends,
In 2018, we converted a run-down, unused space into a library at Lumino Secondary School in Western Kenya. We painted Acts 16:31 on the wall separating the study area from the bookshelves, praying the Lord would plant this powerful Scripture in the hearts and minds of the students who would study there. We could not have imagined that God would use that space to train teachers and students on how to evangelize and disciple children. Yet that was part of His plan!

In November, we hosted 4 Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) trainers, 38 teachers, and 20 students for 8 days of training in the library at Lumino. Twenty-two teachers completed the Evangelizing Children course and committed to hosting Good News Clubs. They also plan to return in April for Disciplining Children training. On the last day, we hosted a Super Seminar attended by these teachers, the teachers trained last year, and the teenagers who have committed to serving with Christian Youth in Action (CYIA). All 68 people received instruction on leading Christmas Party Clubs and an overview of the CYIA program, which equips teens to lead 5-Day Clubs (VBS).

After the seminar, the teens traveled in two vans to Nairobi where they attended an 11-day CYIA course. The CEF teachers will also be mentoring them in their faith. Most of students had never been out their home villages, so this was the adventure of a lifetime. The trip started out calmly; however, the young people did get a bit overexcited when snacks were passed out! In spite of the uproar, the drivers were kind enough to stop along the way, so they could enjoy a scenic stop.

Philippians 2:4 instructs us to “not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” Siena Segall exemplifies serving others by her annual collection of stuffed animals for children in Kenya. Starting in 2021, she has collected thousands of furry friends. This year over 900 of them “miraculously” appeared on my porch. Many thanks to Siena and her mom, Kristi, for their kindness to orphans and other children who might otherwise never own a toy.

Our Kenyan Team continues to make frequent visits to the orphanages and schools in our network. They share the Gospel, show films on Jesus’ life, and give out Bibles, food, toys, and other items. On a recent trip to a school we had not visited before, Kambi Mawe Primary School, we were able to give uniforms, cleats, and soccer balls to the soccer team. While always a favorite with the boys, these things were a special blessings since their coach, David, had been praying for uniforms. No longer having to borrow uniforms when competing against other schools is not only giving the boys a sense of dignity, but also testifies to God’s faithfulness to answer prayer. Through the generosity of Dress A Girl Northern New England, we were able to give the girls new outfits. In the bottom left picture below, note the scarves about the necks of the girls in red. This type of extra treasure is often tucked into a pocket by the dedicated sewers. In the bottom right, Esther, Brenda, and Velma are wearing fancy dresses donated by our Indian friends, who love knowing their things will bring joy to the children of Africa.
Since the staff at the school were so excited about the visit, the word spread to the village. This brought many villagers to see what was going on. All of the children got something to take home. Parents came the next day, asking who had given their children clothes and other gifts. They were amazed since never before had a group come to their village to share God’s love and Word in such a tangible way. Weeks later, we got word that the children still talk about the visit, the gifts, and the Message we shared.

At the Soysambu Primary School, our team distributed Scripture card packets, framed Scriptures along with Days for Girls kits, Dress A Girl outfits, toys, and other treasures. They were blessed to be able to observe students studying the Scripture cards in class. Among the children, they met Snoreen, who was abandoned by her parents. She lives with her aged grandmother and is supported by the community and teachers. She thanked God for the gift of clothes, DFGs kit, and personal items.

We are grateful to “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory,” for equipping us to carry out the work He has put on our hearts to perform. And we are grateful to each of you for your prayers, financial support, donated items, and help with sorting and packing. Thank you!!!

Kathy Carlin, Director Serving in Jesus Name
Serving in Jesus’ Name is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. We are an all-volunteer organization with 100% of all public donations going directly to our service projects. Visit us at
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