Hallelujah! God is faithful to accomplish the good works He has prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10). The container departed from Norfolk on 10/23 aboard the MSC Channe, arriving in Mombasa, Kenya, on 11/27. Once in Kenya, it will be moved to an inland port for clearance before being released to our Kenyan project manager, Immaculate Sifuna. How I wish I had taken pictures of the crew unloading the storage units and packing the container. However, when Joe, the truck driver got out of his cab after maneuvering the huge vehicle around a sharp corner into a narrow driveway, said, “I don’t think I can get out of here,” all thought of pictures went out of my head. Luke Mansfield, who brought 8 men from Mt. Vernon Church to help, somewhat assuaged my concern by saying, “Don’t worry, we’ll get him out,” but I was uneasy until Joe finally backed the truck out of the tight space. My 17-year old grandson, Shawn Riley, was less than delighted to be picked up at 8 am on a Saturday to haul heavy boxes for 4 hours, but he worked alongside the other volunteers without complaint. The good news is (though not necessarily for Shawn) we already have 2 storage units filled with the overflow for the next shipment. The livestock we purchased for Florence, Emmanuel, and others are thriving, and we look forward to pictures of these dear people’s smiling faces when they receive new clothes, a Bible, and a devotional from the over 75,000 articles we stuffed into the container. Our hope is that these gifts will bring them joy and gladness in the Lord’s provision (Psalms 9:2). |
We pray the Lord strengthens by grace those serving through SIJN in Kenya (2 Timothy 2:1) as they carry the Good News of salvation and abundant life through Jesus Christ (John 3:16, John 10:10) along with the material treasures donated by so many in the US. We are seeking the Lord’s direction on how to distribute these items in a way that brings Him glory and builds up His people in the assurance of His love for them (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Immaculate will make deliveries to the 5,500 children in the 18 orphanages and schools in our network, hosting celebrations to praise and thank the Lord for everything He has provided. She will also be partnering with pastors and recruiting volunteers to start fellowship and training centers in local churches in two western villages. During monthly events, impoverished women and teenage girls will be invited to participate in a Christian worship service and in training on sewing and mat making. We will provide foot-pedaled sewing machines and an initial supply of materials, so the attendees can fellowship with others and receive sound teaching from the Word of God, while developing skills to earn a living. Our volunteers will hand out clothes, shoes, linens, and housewares to the women as well.
Other Activities at Serving in Jesus’ Name in October
- The library on the grounds of the Lumino School for Disabled Children is complete, just awaiting the books to arrive to stock the shelves.
- We have several other building projects underway at orphanages and primary schools
- Rainwater catchment systems at Manyasa and Nangili.
- Kitchens at three facilities: ACK Kongini, Ivugui, and Nangili. Currently, two of these facilities cook over open fires in dark, dank outbuildings and the other builds its fire outside.
- Regrettably, we canceled our annual outreach in Appalachia, which was scheduled for this month. This region, which had been relatively untouched by COVID-19, is experiencing a high number of cases, so our ministry partners deemed it unsafe to proceed.
We continue to turn empty frames into Scriptural treasures, and we delight in the work the living Word of God will do in the hearts and souls of those who receive them.
As we reflect on the dozens of people who donated the mountain of beautiful and useful items on route to Kenya, along with those who support SIJN financially and by your prayers, we are grateful for each one of you. May the Lord bless you for your generosity and bring you joy in knowing He sees every act of kindness done to those with great need (Matthew 25:45).
Kathy Carlin, Executive Director