October 2024
Dear Friends,
With so much of our ministry focused on Kenyan orphans and schoolchildren, we always appreciate opportunities to share the Gospel locally. We love participating in the Fall Festivals at Mount Vernon and Berea Baptist Churches where we have given out Scripture card packets in previous years. This year, we gave My Faith Bracelet Kits to around 800 children. These bracelets, often called Wordless Salvation Bracelets, are an effective way to share the Gospel message with kids. Our prayer is for the Holy Spirit to use the Scriptures associated with each bead to bring many of these children into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

On October 26, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church in Glen Allen hosted a workday for 6 missionprojects. Nearly 200 volunteers assembled Operation Christmas Child boxes, packed welcome kits for IMB missionaries, prayer walked, witnessed to prisoners while playing baseball, and made home repairs for people in need. Forty plus people worked with us to assemble 1,000 Scripture card packets, make 1,000 Our Faith Bracelet kits, put Scriptures into 130 frames, pack 400-500 tee shirts, and sort dolls and doll clothes for an upcoming Mother & Daughter Ministry Event at Mt. Vernon. By God’s grace and through the dedication of those who gave up their Saturday afternoon to help, we completed every project, and we will be able to include these items in our next shipment to Kenya.

We are seeing abundant fruit from our investment in planting Child Evangelism Fellowship Bible clubs in Western Kenya. Last November at Lumino, we sponsored Evangelizing Children training for 20 teachers, and in April, we sponsored the second course, Discipling Children, for these teachers. Today, those who attended this training are conducting CEF Good News Club across the area. Almost 1,300 students regularly attend these clubs, and 148 of them have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

The four teachers we sent to the CEF Leadership Training Institute are nearing the completion of their 11-week training. We have been touched by the sweet notes we have received from them. Prisca Nthenya wrote, “I thank the almighty God that after waiting many years without finances to attend LTI. God provided, through a big miracle, my being one of this year’s LTI students. Being a Sunday school teacher and chairperson for the Garissa Interdenominational Sunday School Teachers Fellowship, my pastor, family, and friends prayed many years for me [to be able to attend LTI]. Thank you for paying my fees. When I go home, through God guidance, I will reach the unreached children and lead seminars to train teachers.”

November will prove to be an exciting month. We are sponsoring 10 days of CEF training in Western Kenya. Mary Kithuure, CEF Kenyan Ministry Director, has traveled to Lumino with 3 other CEF trainers to conduct the training. Twenty-one new teachers will attend 7 days of Evangelizing Children classes. They, along with the 20 teachers trained last year, will attend a 1-day session on conducting CEF’s 2024 Christmas Party Clubs, and 25 students will attend a 1-day seminar on the Christian Youth in Action program. Twenty of these students will then travel to Nairobi in December for 11 days of training on conducting 5-Day Clubs. On the final day of training all 66 attendees and the Serving in Jesus’ Name support team (around 80 people in all) will meet for a 1-day special session, which will include training and a celebration. How we wish we could attend!

We are grateful to “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory,” for equipping us to carry out the work He has put on our hearts to perform. And we are grateful to each of you for your prayers, financial support, donated items, and help with sorting and packing. Thank you!!!
Kathy Carlin, Director Serving in Jesus Name
Serving in Jesus’ Name is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. We are an all-volunteer organization with 100% of all public donations going directly to our service projects. Visit us at servinginjesusname.org/
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