”I am not going to give anything in this bag away, and I am going to keep this bag and this card for the rest of my life because no one has ever honored me before.” How our hearts rejoiced to hear these words from a man serving in a Kenyan orphanage, spoken after receiving one of the bags Serving in Jesus’ Name sent to each of the caretakers serving in the orphanages in our network. We had stuffed the bags with wonderful and useful things along with a card honoring the Watumishi Mazuri ya Mungu (Beautiful Servants of God), things donated by many of you.
How much greater honor and reward await those who serve in Jesus’ Name when they stand before the King of kings. He will welcome them into His kingdom (Matthew 25:31-43), for He counted every act of kindness to the sick, the infirm, the deserted, and the orphans to their accounts in heaven. How great will be the joy of those who faithfully performed the work the Lord put before them when they receive the unfading crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4) and hear our Lord say, “Well down, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23)
We are humbled when we consider the sacrifice of those who serve orphaned children day in and day out. They give sacrificially of what little they have, often being father, mother, teacher, pastor, nurse, and provider to a host of those who have no one else to love and care for them. When we consider the comfort of our lives in our magnificent country, with heat in winter, air conditioning in summer, stuffed refrigerators that preserve our food and deliver us ice to cool our drinks, we praise God for indeed shining His grace on us. We praise Him for the privilege of sharing from our abundance with those who have little of material comfort.
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 |
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