July 2024
Dear Friends,
Caitlin Terry, a WASH (water, sewer, and hygiene) engineer with Hydromissions International, spent 5 days with our Kenyan Team inspecting the water and latrine projects we built in 2024. They visited 11 facilities. Caitlin provided training and direction to Immaculate on our first projects in 2017 and, for the last 3 years, Hydromissions has been partnering with us on these projects. She expressed her high regard for our “solid” Kenyan team: Immaculate, Victor, Tony, Walter, and Brian who accompanied her on the site visits. She said, “You have a strong team of dedicated Christians who have a real love for the Lord, the children, and the ministry.” She was delighted to see the strong relationship each has developed with the children, teachers, and administrators and the evidence of the spiritual impact of our work through these projects.
“The Gospel message has been shared widely in Kenyan schools, but children feel the love of Christ expressed in that message more deeply when you deliver it along with help for their basic needs – it is then the Gospel becomes real to them.” – Caitlin Terry. |
The children presented Caitlin with leas and lined up to recite the Scripture verses they have memorized (CLICK to hear Favor reciting Ephesians 6:1). Caitlin shared a verse with them and joined in singing praise songs. The administrators were so happy to meet her, saying that they keep wondering, “Who are these people in America who care about us, who paint Scripture on things rather than their names?”

“And of course, most importantly, the greatest impact our programs can have is to share the gospel of good news and hope in Jesus Christ. We explain that Jesus loves them and that He is the one providing for their needs as we dedicate every project to the Lord.” – Caitlin Terry. |

The team visited the primary school at Kambi Mawe (translated in English as “A Camp of Stones”). The ground is rocky, which makes it affordable. The residents settled there after fleeing post-election violence. These formerly well-to-do people lost everything, and they struggle to survive. Prior to our building a rainwater catchment system, the school had no source of water. The children carried water to school from unsanitary sources.

The Kenyan government builds the public schools, but it provides little or no funds for maintenance, even though some of the schools were built 20-30 years ago. They do, however, inspect the schools and will close facilities if the latrines are inadequate and unsafe. We are grateful to have been able to keep several schools open by providing them with new latrines.
Immaculate delivered stuffed animals along with Bibles to Hope Academy in the Tassia slums, the forgotten ghetto in Nairobi’s Embakasi Kenya. Unfortunately, she was unable to visit with the children and take pictures, but we know they were excited to receive these expressions of God’s love for them.

Walter and Victor had no difficulty selecting 20 dedicated Christian students from local churches to participate in the Child Evangelism Fellowship Christian Youth in Action Program. These teens will attend an 11-day training course in Nairobi, then return home to teach CEF 5-Day Clubs (aka Vacation Bible Schools) during the three school breaks each year. Many more teens, who qualify by demonstrating a strong faith in Christ and actively serving in their home churches, want to be a part of CYIA; we are praying that the Lord will provide the funds for us to sponsor many more youths in the future. Although we are paying all training and club costs, we are seeking local church sponsors who will provide snacks for the children and support them through prayer.
We are grateful to Caitlin and the entire Hydromissions Team for their partnership with us on these water and latrine projects. We are also grateful to each of you who make our work possible by your prayers, donating items, helping, and providing financial support! We are incredibly blessed to be able to serve the Lord through this ministry.

Kathy Carlin, Director Serving in Jesus Name
Serving in Jesus’ Name is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. We are an all-volunteer organization with 100% of all public donations going directly to our service projects. Visit us at servinginjesusname.org/ To unsubscribe from these emails, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line.