Dear Friends,
In 2023, God enabled us “to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” Looking back on our first shipment in 2016, which contained 800 stuffed animals sent to six orphanages in Kenya, we are in awe at the Lord’s faithfulness. Over the past seven years, He has increased the size of our annual shipment 100-fold and has enabled us to expand our network to 52 orphanages and schools serving over 24,000 children. Our ministry spans from the southeastern shore of the Indian Ocean to northwestern Kenya. While the need is great across Kenya, most of “our” facilities are in western Kenya since this area has the deepest poverty and receives the least outside support.
Our most exciting initiative last year was to introduce Child Evangelism Fellowship Good News Clubs to the western region of Kenya where many of our facilities are clustered. We funded and organized training for 20 teachers on evangelizing children, and in December those teachers started Good News Clubs and held Christmas Party Clubs. We look forward to increasing the number of trained teachers in 2024.
When we choose to invest in those with hearts to serve, the dividends are divine, for it is not only God’s will that we share the gospel, but that we pour ourselves into those who He has called to follow Him. We rejoice in hearing the stories of God’s grace triumphing in the lives of His children. (John Luck, Assistant to the President of Child Evangelism Fellowship – adapted)

His power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20). The nine 5-stall latrines and ten rainwater catchment systems we built last year brought our total building projects to 80. The Lord gave us an overabundance of donated items that stuffed the 40-foot container we shipped in November. He enabled us to put over 10,000 Bibles in the hands of teachers, pastors, parishioners, and children in orphanages, schools, and churches.
Through faithful supporters, He provided all that was needed to make distributions and host celebrations at dozens of facilities. He also gave us opportunities to share His Word at various events in the US. We are grateful indeed for His love and provision, and we are grateful to all those who make it possible for us to continue the ministry of Serving in Jesus’ Name.
Special thanks to:
- Hill’s Storage (Sharon Hill) in Mechanicville for donating a 20-foot storage unit
- Hydromissions (Caitlin Terry) for co-sponsoring our water and latrine projects
- Mount Vernon and Berea Baptist Churches for
- Donating 1000s of Bible Study books, Sunday School materials, and other items
- Providing crews to transport boxes to the storage units and pack the container
- Days for Girls (Ginni Richards) for donating 300 menstrual kits
- Dress a Girl (Jane Nichols Bishop) for donating 1000s of sundresses and 100s of menstrual kits
- Crossover Healthcare Ministry for donating 1000s of medical supplies along with braces and other medical devices
- Dorcas Daughters (Deb Farlow) for donating shorts for boys
- Uptown Cheapskate for donating carloads of clothes monthly
- Louann Rodgers for faithfully maintaining our website
- Our Kenyan Project Team and US Prayer Team
- Countless individuals who support us by their prayers, financial support, donated items, and help with sorting and packing.
As always, we are grateful for each of you who make it possible for us to continue the ministry of Serving in Jesus’ Name by your prayers, financial support, donated items, and help with sorting and packing. Thank you!!!
Kathy Carlin, Executive Director