Dear Friends,
Much of August was spent preparing for Immaculate’s trip to the US. During her month in the states, she will be speaking at several events, attending church and Sunday school with us, plus going to the Kenyan church in Richmond one Sunday. We are excited to finally meet her and little 4-year old Diana in person.
Immaculate visited several of the home-bound children in the western villages in August, making distributions and sharing the love of God to these dear children and their faithful caretakers.

Visiting the Mwangaza Orphanage is always a special event. We have enjoyed a strong relationship with the administrators for the past 7 years, and the children look forward to Immaculate’s visits. In August, we handed out treasures to the children, who receive them with pure joy. As always, the girls are thrilled to get a new dress provided to us by Dress-a-Girl International. We are pleased that the Northern New England Chapter of DAG, under the leadership of Jane Nichols Bishop, will be supplying us with thousands of dresses along with a large supply of menstrual kits again this year.

We have been blessed with support from Crossover Healthcare Ministry in Richmond. They have donated dozens of used medical braces and boxes of other medical supplies that are desperately needed in Kenya. They have also referred several people to us who had large quantities of unneeded supplies. We have connected with a hospital in Kenya that is overjoyed to receive these items.

As always we are grateful for each of you who make it possible for us to continue the ministry of Serving in Jesus’ Name by your prayers, financial support, donated items, and help with sorting and packing. Thank you!!!
Kathy Carlin, Executive Director