“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting” (1 Chronicles 16:34). As we celebrated Thanksgiving here at home and observed the kingdom work He is enabling us to perform in Kenya, we had much in November for which to be thankful. We were blessed to extend support to the Shalom Recovery Education Center). In response to an appeal from a donor who knows its pastor/administrator, Rev Isaac Chegero, we asked Roselyne Mwabishi, our Western Kenya Project Coordinator, to visit the site. Roselyne reported that this facility (home to 45 children) has severe need of support; it has no major donors, surviving entirely on the charity of the local villagers and other well-wishers. Our delivery of much-needed items brought excitement to the children, and our plans to start water and latrines projects in December brought joy to the caretakers for answered prayer (Psalm 92:4). |

In the US, when we want to water our lawns, take a bath, or have a drink, we turn on a faucet, and water freely flows. It is pure, abundant, and the cost is negligible. Not so in Kenya, especially for impoverished schools, which receive the barest minimum in government funding. While we cannot give them US style free-flowing water, we were able to provide the Eshikulu Secondary School two 5,000 gallon tanks to catch rainwater. The tanks enable them to divert precious funds to food and other necessities while providing “luxuries” such as abundant drinking water and water for the girl’s washroom in the new latrines we also built for them in November.

Other News in November
- We are thrilled that our friend, Caitlin Terry, plans to visit Kenya in late winter. Caitlin is a WASH engineer (water, sanitation, and hygiene) in fulltime ministry with Hydromissions, which has completed over 450 water and latrine projects in 40 countries. Caitlin provided vital consulting to Immaculate when we started building latrines and water systems, and Hydromissions has co-sponsored many projects with us. In addition to inspecting the water systems and latrines we have built over the years, Caitlin will be assessing the soil to determine if wells can be drilled in some areas, and she, as an expert photographer, will be cataloguing our work in Kenya.
- The West End Presbyterian Church in Henrico has graciously opened its facility for a Winter Outreach in December, which we are co-sponsoring with the Sudan Christian Fellowship.

As always we are grateful for all those who participate with us in this ministry of love. When we consider the hundreds of people who support Serving in Jesus’ Name with prayers, contributions, and donated articles, as well as those who help with sorting, packing, and transporting, we are amazed at how the Lord has brought so many to stand beside us in the work. God is faithful!
Kathy Carlin, Executive Director