The beautiful servants of God at Kongoni Primary School Special Unit, pour their hearts, strength, and tears into the children of the church in Kenya, dedicating their lives to teaching them, not only reading and math, but also about our Lord Jesus Christ and His love for them. They do all they can to breathe into these young peoples’ souls the truth of who they are in God’s sight, valuable and highly valued, fearfully and wonderfully made by none other than the Creator of the universe, and worthy of the love He offers them. They highly prize the unspoiled, innocent children in their care knowing they are precious to our Lord for “to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 14:19).
Their work is not easy. They struggle day-by-day to put food on the table, to clothe the children, and to provide a roof over their heads, but they soldier on in faith. They do all this with grace, God’s grace, for such a sacrifice of love can only spring forth from the depths of the love they receive from the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. By their faith in the Lord, they drink from the fountain of life, so rivers of living water flow from within the deepest recesses of their beings, flowing to carry this great love to the children for whom they dedicate their lives as they carry out this holy work (John 7:38).
Their resources are so, so limited, and though it broke their hearts to have latrines that deprived the children of the dignity privacy affords, they could offer nothing better. Though they knew some children could not bring themselves to come to school to be subjected to the humiliation of using these latrines, they seemed powerless to correct the situation. But they were not powerless, for they had the greatest power granted to man, the power of righteous people praying to the Lord, our Provider (James 5:16). These saints, wrapped in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, laid their petitions before the Throne of Grace, and the King of Kings heard their prayers and answered them.
We at Serving in Jesus’ Name are so grateful the Lord granted us the privilege to be the tool He used to answer their prayers. By God’s grace, in His love, and through His provision, we were able to build new, clean, sturdy, private latrines, and it blesses our hearts to know these latrines bless the hearts of these faithful servants and their dear charges. What joy it gave us to have one of the administrators tell us, “Children’s lives have been changed and smiles have been put on the children faces. They now love school because there is the provision of water and latrines.”
Our God is ever faithful to His promise to “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19) and to teach us the truth of Paul’s encouragement in Acts 20:35: “In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We share in the joy of the caretakers at Kongoni Primary Special Unit Orphanage and School, and we thank Him for the work He is doing in and through us.
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