I’m a numbers person, a counter – prone to thinking how many of this we did, how many of that we finished. Left to myself, without the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit in my ear and the truth of the Word in my heart, I would go blithely along checking things off my To-Accomplish List and adding points to the my scorecard, working hard, but achieving nothing for the cause of Christ. God is not about numbers. He is about hearts and eternal souls. With Him, quantity is never important, it’s always about quality, the quality of our devotion to Him, the depth of our love for Him and others, the sincerity of our obedience to Him. Jesus calls us to follow Him if we want to perform kingdom work, work that introduces people to Him and leads them into new life in Him.[1]
We at serving in Serving in Jesus’ Name’s must continuously ask the Lord to keep us ever true to our mission: Demonstrating the love of God and sharing the Good News of the Gospel by providing material resources and financial support to those in need. Demonstrating God’s love and sharing His Word are foremost, because if we are only providing temporal comfort, we are merely noisy gongs and clanging cymbals.[2] For without love, we are nothing. Without Christ inspiring us to love and good works, we can do nothing of eternal value.[3] And oh, how desperately our hearts desire to bear fruit, everlasting fruit in the lives of those the Lord puts in our path.[4]
Therefore, with every shipment to Kenya, as part of every project there, in Haiti, or at home, we celebrate the goodness of the One from whom all good things come,[5] focusing on His love, telling those we minister to how precious they are to Him.
Along with our March 2019 shipment, we sent the letter below to share God’s love with the “Children of the Church.” Immaculate, our Kenyan Project Manager, will ask the administrator at each of the twelve orphanages to read the letter to the children during the celebration we host praising God for His goodness. Our prayer is for these words of truth to touch each child’s heart and sink into his or her soul.

[1] Matthew 4:19
[2] 1 Corinthians 13:1
[3] John 15:5
[4] John 15:16
[5] James 1:17
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