News of the accelerating worldwide shipping crisis, with ships anchored offshore waiting to dock and offloaded containers incurring huge port storage fees as they await trucks to move them to their destination, makes us exceedingly grateful to the Lord that our recent container arrived without delay (Proverbs 3:6). Rather than helplessly watching our limited resources be diverted to port fees, our volunteers in Nairobi are joyfully unpacking the container and delivering the newly-arrived items to the dear children of Kenya.
Other Activities in September at Serving in Jesus’ Name
Our team in Kenya completed the new latrines and the rainwater catchment projects co-sponsored by Hydromissions International at the Nasianda, Eshikulu, and Mapera Schools. Immaculate plans to visit these locations soon to host a dedication of the structures, hand out goodies, and take pictures to share.
We are starting 5 additional latrine and water projects, which we hope to have completed before year end. As with our other recent projects, these are co-sponsored by Hydromissions.
We continue exploring options for a venue to host our “annual” winter apparel giveaway event. Time is escaping us, but we do have a couple of good leads.
We are thankful for all the wonderful people who are sharing in this ministry of love with us, and we are grateful for each of you who support Serving in Jesus’ Name with your prayers, contributions, donated articles, and help sorting, packing, and transporting. God is faithful!
Blessings, Kathy Carlin, Executive Director
Our Perspective
Saved by Grace
Desiring to love deeply, share generously and serve wholeheartedly.